Neck-In Drum


Neck steel drum 

The neck-in drum or neck drum is another type of open door steel drum that has a global standard from the United Nations for use in packing and transporting solid and liquid food, dangerous and non-dangerous chemicals, drinking, agriculture , etc

The Neck-in steel drum has improved containerization in sea and land transportation due to its closed opening compared to the open-door steel drum. Neck-In drum are produced and sent in Beh Chelik Matin using fully automatic and modern lines with different thicknesses according to customer needs.

Features of the neck-in steel drum:

It has a metal rim with high resistance

Easy to move and carry

Electrostatic powder painting system

Seamer 7 layers

Explanations about

Explanations about

Neck drum

Stee drum

Specifications and standards

Get familiar with drums specifications and standards via Beh Chelik Matin company


Beh Chelik Matin standards

Global standards(15750)

National standard of Iran No. (2-15661)

ISO 9001:2015 certificate


Specifications of Beh Chelik Matin Neck-in steel drum

drum capacity according to the customer’s order, such as 230-liter and 220-liter drums

Drum color is selected according to customer’s order from the standard color catalog

The internal coating type is based on the customer’ order

The desired print on the body and lid of the drum

Electrostatic powder painting system

The competitive price in domestic and international markets

High strength and resistance

The strength and resistance of the neck steel drum is high due to the material and type of body design and also type of the painting.

Exclusive transport fleet ​

All the steel drums produced by Be Chelik Matin are delivered to the customer by the specialized pullers of the collection.

Optimal transportation of the neck drum

These drums fit perfectly together and allow maximum storage in minimum space.

یک بشکه درب باز گلدانی یا Neck به رنگ آبی که درب و رینگ آن به دیواره بشکه تکیه داده شده است.

Inner coating of Neck drum

The inner coating is one of the most important specifications of the drum, which has a direct effect on the quality and safety of the materials inside the drum. In Beh Chelik Matin drum-making complex, the drums are manufactured based on the special needs of customers with a special inner coating

The inner coating plays an important role in protecting the contents inside the drum from corrosive agents, unwanted chemical reactions, and the penetration of microorganisms. This coating also helps to maintain the physical and chemical properties of the products and prevent its properties from changing

Types of inner coating

The inner coating can be made of various materials such as epoxy, phenolic, paint, varnish or other chemical resistant polymers. The choice of coating material depends on the type of the drum content and its storage conditions.

The inner coating process involves cleaning the drum thoroughly, preparing the surface, and applying the coating by methods such as spraying or brushing. This process must be carried out under controlled conditions and with high precision to ensure proper adhesion and uniformity of the coating .

Based on the customer’s needs and the type of materials that are poured into thedrum, the inner coating must have special specifications, such as resistance to pressure, and compatibility with materials that are corrosive and soluble. In these cases, the type of inner lining of the drum must be manufactured according to the exact specifications and standards desired by the customer.

Beh Chelik Matin Neck drum color coating

Electrostatic powder painting system and liquid painting are two common methods in the industry for applying protective and aesthetic coating on different surfaces, each of which has its own specifications and applications. The drums painting stage in Beh Chelik Matin is considered as one of the most special stages of the competitive advantages of this company in the drum industry.

Electrostatic painting

Electrostatic power painting is used on all types of metal surfaces, including steel drums, due to its better adhesion. This method has a long life and resistance to scratching, engraving and separation from the surface, which is one of the strengths of this painting type compared to liquid painting.

خط تولید بشکه فلزی با رنگ آبی و سفید در مرحله ی رنگ‌آمیزی

پوشش رنگی  بشکه فلزی گلدانی (Neck-in ) مانند دیگر بشکه‌های فلزی  در صنایع مختلفی از جمله شیمیایی، دارویی و غذایی و نوشیدنی بسیار مهم است. اهمیت پوشش‌های رنگ فراتر از زیبایی است؛ این پوشش‌ها شامل حفاظت، رعایت مقررات و ایمنی می‌باشند. اینجا به بررسی استانداردهای لازم برای پوشش رنگی بشکه‌های فلزی درب باز می‌پردازد و به الزامات قانونی، معیارهای عملکرد، فرآیندهای کاربردی و ملاحظات محیطی اشاره می‌کند.


Sealing the drum lid with special plastisol

The Neck-in drums of Beh Chelik Matin company are made of high quality raw materials to be resistant to corrosive chemicals. These drums must have a tight and sealed lid to prevent material leakage. Plastisol around the lid of the Neck drum is one of the most important features of this drum.

What is plastisol?

Plastisols are compounds made with PVC resin, a dioctyl phthalate replacement plasticizer that provides flexibility and durability, and other additives such as calcium carbonate, epoxidized oil, stabilizers, dyes, etc

Some of the properties of plastisols are as follows:

Plastisols, often made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC), have unique properties that make them suitable for a variety of applications Here are four salient properties of plastisols:

  1. Flexibility: plastisols are very flexible and can be molded into different shapes
  2. Durability: After hardening, these materials have a high resistance to frazzle and tear
  3. Heat resistance: plastisols can be heated up to a temperature of about 177 degrees Celsius and turn into a gel with high viscosity
  4. Insolubility in water: Plastisol inks do not dissolve in water and do not dry out even if left on the screen for a long time

These properties make plastisols very useful for use in various industries, including fabric printing and toy making.

Latch and rim of the drum door produced by Bochka brand

Latch and rim of drum door are vital components in the design and production of industrial drums that play an important role in maintaining the quality and safety of the contents inside the drum Special features of latches and rings, with different thicknesses, are used to pack different materials.

latches and rims are generally made of durable metals such as steel and are installed on the lid of the barrels to ensure a tight and leak-proof package. These components are designed in such a way that they can withstand pressure and impacts and prevent air and foreign substances from entering the drum.

Special thickness

The thickness of the latches and rims varies depending on the type of use and the contents of the drum. For example, drums used to transport hazardous chemicals or food may require thicker rims to ensure the integrity of the contents against harsh shipping conditions.

Production standards

The production of latches and rims is done according to international standards, and the thicknesses used for these components usually vary from 0.7 mm to 1.25 mm. These standards ensure that the barrels are able to withstand the pressures required for safe transportation. These standards are observed in all drums produced by Beh Chelik Matin brand, such as Neck drum . Latches and rims are used in many types of drums, such as metal and plastic drums. These components are designed that they also have the ability to be sealed if needed.

Finally, drum door latches and rims with special thickness play a key role in maintaining the safety and quality of the products inside the drums, and therefore, choosing the right material and thickness for their production have great importance. Manufacturers must carefully consider customer needs and shipping conditions to ensure that drums perform as well as possible.

Exclusive logo printing on the body and lid of the Neck-in drum

Beh Chelik Matin company is able to print the customer’s logo or design according to their order on the body and the lid surface of the drum. The executive team of Beh Chelik Matin has supervised in all stages of stencil making and printing on the drum so that the printing process is done with the best quality.

Among the advantages of printing your own brand are:

Brand promotion:

printing the company logo and name on the drum can an advertising symbol and help the brand promotion.

Complete product information:

Using the jet printer can put the complete information of the product on the drum. This information can include production date, expiration date, usage, and other specifications related to the product.

Printing your own logo and design:

Attractive designs on drums make their appearance beautiful and can have a great effect on brand promotion.

High printing quality:

The prints on drums have high quality, clarity and durability which are the best way to advertise your brand .

چندین صد بشکه گلدانی آبی رنگ که در انبار روی هم قرار گرفته اند.

کاربردهای بشکه فلزی گلدانی (Neck-in)

بشکه های فلزی درب باز کاربردهای متنوعی دارند. برخی از کاربردهای این بشکه ها عبارتند از:

  1. نگهداری و حمل مواد غذایی، از جمله مواد غذایی فاسد شدنی
  2. نگهداری و حمل مواد دارویی
  3. نگهداری و حمل چسب و رزین
  4. نگهداری و حمل زباله های صنعتی
  5. نگهداری و حمل روانکارها( روانکارهای جامد مانند گریس)

بشکه‌های فلزی به‌ چلیک متین به دلیل کیفیت بالا و قیمت رقابتی، در بازارهای داخلی و خارجی شناخته شده‌اند. این بشکه‌ها با استفاده از فناوری پیشرفته و ماشین‌آلات مدرن تولید می‌شوند و بیش از 95 درصد فرآیند تولید آن‌ها به صورت اتوماتیک انجام می‌گیرد .بشکه‌های به‌ چلیک متین در ظرفیت‌های مختلف از جمله 220 و 230 لیتری تولید می‌شوند و امکان رنگ‌آمیزی تک رنگ تا سه رنگ و چاپ سیلک بر روی سر و بدنه بشکه را دارند .

این بشکه‌ها برای استفاده در صنایع مختلف از قبیل شیمیایی، غذایی، دارویی، نفت، پتروشیمی، معدنی، رنگ، روغن، رزین و انواع حلال و گریس مناسب هستند و هم در بازار داخلی و هم در صادرات محصولات شیمیایی و صنعتی کاربرد دارند .


این شرکت با برخورداری از نیروهای متخصص و تجهیزات مدرن، مطابق با استانداردهای جهانی و ملی ایران فعالیت می‌کند و توانسته است جایگاه ارزشمندی در ارتقاء کیفیت بشکه‌ها به عنوان محصول نهایی داشته باشد.

برای کسب اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد قیمت‌ و ویژگی‌های مورد نظر سفارش خود، می توانید با تیم بازرگانی به‌چلیک متین تماس بگیرند.


بشکه 220 لیتری روغن

Order registration

With more than a 20-year of experience, relying on its technical knowledge and expert staff, Beh Chelik Matin company has been able to manufacture high-quality steel drums to meet the needs of various industries. Compliance with all necessary standards to produce quality products is our main priority to meet all needs of customers. Respected customers can place an order by informing the sales experts about the weight or thickness of the drum sheet and the appearance specifications such as its color, required printing type and inner coating .

برخی صنایع مرتبط با بشکه فلزی​