Industrial waste drum

بشکه زباله صنعتی به تعداد زیاد واقع در راهرو به همراه آدمکی که در راهرو حرکت می‌کند.
چندین بشکه زباله صنعتی به رنگ زرد

The importance of choosing an industrial waste drum

Industrial waste drums play an important role in the management and disposal of waste produced by various industries. Choosing the right type of drum, especially steel drums, ensures that safety, durability and compliance with legal standards are maintained. This section examines the required standards for industrial waste drums and highlights the importance and features of choosing steel drums for managing industrial waste.

Robust structure: Steel drums are known for their strength and durability. They can withstand heavy loads and rough handling, making them ideal for industrial environments.

Impact resistance: High-quality steel offers excellent resistance to impact and punctures, ensuring the drum remains intact under harsh conditions.

Corrosion resistance: Steel drums are often coated with materials resistant to corrosion, preventing rust and chemical reactions, extending the drum’s life-long, and ensuring safe waste storage.

Environmental protection: The sturdy construction and sealing mechanisms of steel drums prevent leaks and spills, protecting the environment from contamination.
Recyclability: Steel drums are highly recyclable, contributing to environmental sustainability and reducing the need for raw materials.

Heat resistance: Steel drums offer better fire resistance compared to plastic alternatives, making them safer for storing flammable waste.

Ventilation options: For waste that generates gases, steel drums can be equipped with ventilation systems to safely release pressure.

Compliance with standards: Steel drums are designed to meet stringent standards set by agencies like EPA, OSHA, and DOT, ensuring legal compliance and safety in waste management practices.

Wide range of uses: Steel drums are suitable for various types of waste, including hazardous, non-hazardous, solid, and liquid waste. This versatility makes them a practical option for various industrial applications.

Long lifespan and cost-effectiveness: The durability and resistance of steel drums to wear and tear mean they have a longer lifespan, which can lead to cost savings.

Reduced maintenance: Steel drums require less frequent replacement and maintenance compared to other materials, further reducing operational costs.

Required standards for industrial waste drums

Industrial waste drums must adhere to stringent standards to ensure they are safe, durable, and compliant with legal requirements. Key standards include:

High-quality steel: Industrial steel drums are typically made from high-quality carbon steel or stainless steel, providing strength and impact resistance.

Corrosion resistance: Drums must be coated with protective coatings such as epoxy, phenolic, or polyethylene to prevent corrosion from waste materials.

Specifications and standards

Get familiar with drums specifications and standards via Beh Chelik Matin company


Beh Chelik Matin standards

Global standards(15750)

National standard of Iran No. (2-15661)

ISO 9001:2015 certificate


Specification of Beh Chlik Matin steel drum

drum capacity according to the customer’s order, such as 230-liter and 220-liter drums

Drum color is selected according to customer’s order from the standard color catalog

The internal coating type is based on the customer’ order

The desired print on the body and lid of the drum

Electrostatic powder painting system

The competitive price in domestic and international markets

Industrial waste drum manufacturing standards

Seam integrity: Drums should have welded seams to prevent leaks. These seams must be inspected for strength and continuity.

Secure sealing mechanisms: Secure lids with appropriate sealing mechanisms such as bolt rings, lever lock rings, or clamp bands are essential to ensure the lid is tightly closed and prevent spills.

Reinforcement: The body and bottom of the drum should be reinforced to withstand heavy loads and prevent deformation.

Industrial waste drum design standards

Standard sizes: Industrial drums are typically available in standard sizes, with the most common being 220 liters and 230 liters.

Shape and dimensions: The cylindrical shape of drums facilitates stacking, rolling, and efficient use of space.

Ventilation: Some drums may require ventilation systems to safely release gases that may be generated by the contents.

Labeling and marking standards for industrial waste drums

Type of materials: Labels should clearly indicate the type of waste (flammable, corrosive, toxic) using Globally Harmonized System (GHS) symbols.

Manufacturer information: Markings should include the manufacturer’s name, batch number, and production date.

Content information: Labels should specify the type of waste and handling instructions.

Environmental and safety standards for industrial waste drums

Temperature resistance: Drums must withstand the range of temperatures they will be exposed to, including extreme cold and heat.
Chemical resistance: Internal coatings should be resistant to specific chemicals stored in them to prevent degradation and leaks.

Regulatory compliance

EPA standards: In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets guidelines for the storage and disposal of hazardous waste.
OSHA regulations: The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) ensures that drums used in the workplace are safe for handling by workers.
DOT regulations: The Department of Transportation (DOT) regulates the transportation of hazardous materials, including standards for drums used in transportation.

Testing and certification

Drop test: Ensures that the drum can withstand impacts without leaking.
Leak test: Verifies that the drum does not leak when filled with liquids.
Pressure test: Ensures that drums can withstand internal pressure without breaking.
Stack test: Confirms the drum’s ability to be safely stacked for storage and transportation.

چندین بشکه زباله صنعتی به رنگ زرد


Adhering to the required standards for industrial waste drums is essential to ensure safety, durability, and regulatory compliance. Steel drums, with their strength, corrosion resistance, and environmental benefits, are an excellent choice for managing industrial waste. They offer superior safety features, versatility, and cost-effectiveness, making them a reliable option.

Order registration

With more than a 20-year of experience, relying on its technical knowledge and expert staff, Beh Chelik Matin company has been able to manufacture high-quality steel drums to meet the needs of various industries. Compliance with all necessary standards to produce quality products is our main priority to meet all needs of customers. Respected customers can place an order by informing the sales experts about the weight or thickness of the drum sheet and the appearance specifications such as its color, required printing type and inner coating .

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Products manufactured by Beh Chelik Matin Steel Drum Manufacturing.

Open-top steel drum with Behchelik logo printed on barrel body.

Open-Head steel drum

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Neck- In steel drum

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Tight-Head steel drum

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To get advise on the price of the drum and your desired features of your order from the Beh Chelik Matin collection ,contact the commercial team of the company.

Some industries related to steel drums​